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Colloquium Assignments - Journals

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Rubric for Scoring Journals

Creative Journalling Instructions

Ideas for Creative Colloquium Journal entries

Expanded Ideas for Creative Colloquium Journal entries

For Summer 2011 the journal assignments will be of two types:

1). guided entries on ANGEL making up 50% of your grade and

2). Free-form creative, colorful entries made in a paper journal that you will turn in twice during the semester.

Please make creative, reflective entries that link your expereinces to class outcomes and readings.

This journal is NOT a diary, but rather a way to connect your experiences and understanding of the world with the course outcomes.


Creative journaling is a big part of this class.  This course requirement empowers us to take time for ourselves to slow down and better appreciate the many blessing we have.

The Nature Journal as a tool for learning

In this area you will find links to creative journal ideas. Bill Hammond is our local guru for creative journaling.   He has been an  inspiration and leader in Environmental Education in Lee County for over 30 years.  I've found some links to his suggestions an included them here for you.

Some thoughts on journal keeping by Bill Hammond

Reflection on wild-places 

The most powerful part of the Corkscrew Swamp field trip could well be the seton. During your seton experience sit quietly for at least 5-10 minutes. Pay attention to what you see and hear. Make an entry that shows what you see and hear in the 360 degrees surrounding your location. Reflect on how you feel about the experience.

Begin your Creative Journal with an entry where you write your conceptions about Colloquium- expectations, feelings, what you have heard, etc.– be honest and creative- use drarwings as well as text!

  The views and opinions expressed in this page are strictly those of the author and in no way represent those of FGCU or the FGCU board of trustees
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